Data Source: CNABS
Note: China lock down Wuhan city on 01/23/2020 and reopen it on 04/08/2020
According to 400 China consumer loans ABS pools, Compared to February 2020, in March, 1-30 days past due delinquent rate drop significantly but still higher than average. It appears that Cov-19 recovering is improving. On the other hand, 30-60 days past due and 60-90 days past due delinquent/roll over rates are still climbing up; it appears that the situation for those people who was delinquent due to Cov-19 is deteriorating.
30D(Blue)/60D(Orange)/90D(Gray) Mortgage Delinquent Rate

30D(Blue)/60D(Orange)/90D(Gray) Auto Loan Delinquent Rate

30D(Blue)/60D(Orange)/90D(Gray) Credit Card Delinquent Rate

30D(Blue)/60D(Orange)/90D(Gray) Personal Loan Delinquent Rate

30D/60D/90D Roll Over Rate (please see attachment)